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Step into your greatness!

I work 1:1 with powerful, senior level corporate women, just like you, who are looking to shift from corporate burnout to entrepreneurial freedom, so you can create the balanced, fun and fulfilling life you've been craving.

From day 1, we work together to define your goals and niche, eliminate limiting beliefs, solidify your business plan and create a strategy around execution.

After just 90 days you will be certain in your vision, goals and have a step-by-step road-map to get you to your fulfilling entrepreneurial life (and the journey will even be fun!)


Are you an executive level woman in the corporate world but secretly dreaming of Being Your Own Boss?

​You've had the idea of being your own boss for a while, but never had the courage to start, despite your heart yearning for more.​ You haven't made the decision to go all-in because you keep thinking, HOW?!

​What are the exact steps I need to take to becoming my own boss??

You could spend months trying to figure it out on your own or you can fast track your journey with the exact steps and support you actually require. ​

You will get:

  • 1 on 1 personal coaching calls with me for 4 weeks where we set you up to WIN BIG each week

  • Unlimited access to me in between sessions

  • Introductions to my personal global network who are capable of opening doors for you to some of the world's top 1%!

What you will learn in only 30 days that other needs years to learn:

  • Identify your niche: monetize your passion and define your niche is step 1 to achieving success

  • Goal setting & planning: you will receive my exact framework for effective goal setting and what you need to know about making a profit from those goals

  • Master your Mindset: I'll share what you MUST know before becoming your own boss. You will need several essential tools when you pivot from the security of a 9-5 to the unreliability of much more income

  • Becoming Unstoppable: I'll share with you how top entrepreneurs handle ANYTHING that comes their way, you will face challenges like an assassin, and won't let fear get in your way

  • Create Your Offer: we dig deep and create your unique offer that sets you apart from your competition

  • Leverage your femininity: tap into your feminine energy to learn how to create success, leveraging the greatest power the world has ever known 

If I can do it, so can you and I can't wait to show you exactly how you can create the life you deserve! Once you believe you deserve it, there will be no stopping you!

Let’s do this together

Now, if you've been on the fence about becoming your own boss, there's no more excuses not to start.

This is for you if you’re…

* Serious about being your own boss

* An executive/ in a senior position in the corporate world for 10+ years

* Unhappy, frustrated or sick and tired of corporate politics

* Wanting to live a fulfilling life with purpose

* Looking to redefine your goals

* Ready to have a more balanced lifestyle

* Ready to learn how to generate more wealth than you could in a corporate job


Imagine 3 to 6 months from now…


  • Have fun while building and scaling your business

  • Are seen as an authority in your niche

  • Are attracting the right people into your business

  • Wake up excited every day to show up in your business

  • Love your life and know that your massive success is only the beginning...



  • Invest in yourself & your business

  • Fully commit to the 3 months

  • Accept support to start your business

  • Put in the work to make your success happen

  • Having an open and positive mindset


I wanted to leave Corporate America and fulfil my dream of starting my own business. Before the coaching program, I was hesitant to start my own business. I am now confident in my business plan, mindset and ready to be my own boss.
Through the combination of mindset coaching and tangible business advice, I was able to develop my business plan from concept through to solid plan in just 90 days. The process was challenging but manageable and pushed me to do more than I thought possible. It was great having Lauren on a weekly call to ensure it kept me accountable.
I would highly recommend everyone who has the desire to have a successful business and be their own boss, join this program!
— Tynetta
At 39 years old, I never thought that it would be possible to change my mindset, but Lauren truly has helped me to achieve this. I didn’t even know my mindset was an issue to be honest. I consider myself to be a very positive, optimistic person in general, but Lauren helped me to realize that when it came to my approach to my life and my career, I needed to shift the way I was doing things. Lauren adapted every interaction specifically to my personality and lifestyle and instead of trying to change me, helped me to realize how and where I am already thriving and where there is room to shift my way of thinking. Every single time I leave a session with Lauren, I feel calmer and more confident in myself and in life. I know that she understands what I am experiencing and has lived through many tough times herself that she taps into. She is always so professional and organized, giving life advice with zero judgement only love and warmth and understanding. I recently experienced health issues and I really feel that Lauren’s help with changing my mindset helped me to get through this tough time too. I would highly recommend her program.
— Rebecca



because the truth about success is IT…

* Not about trying harder, it's about setting a clear goal

* About having the tools to take action & having certainty

* Easy and effortless when you’re on the right path


I have had a successful corporate career for the past 17+ years, however in the last couple of years, I found my true calling of being a multi-business owner, power coach & entrepreneur, with the same level of success. This time, it's on my own terms.

I’ve worked on multi-million dollar projects around the world including London, Sydney and New York City for some of the world's top 1%.

I’m not going to sugar-coat it, it’s been tough, but I’ve learned how to hold my own in a boardroom, on a construction site, run successful businesses and be certain & confident when it comes to public speaking and talking to the camera.

After working in the male-dominated design & construction industry for over 17 years, it was time I helped other women step away from a toxic and unfulfilling corporate job and Step into Your Greatness.

I live my life by design and with intention and can show you how to do the same.